PANEL: How to put the Human into Your Digital Experience (at least when it’s needed)
Date & Time
Monday, May 15, 2023, 3:50 PM - 4:20 PM
Wayne Butterfield Deb Ermiger Shruti Khatod Hardy Myers

The Pandemic placed unanticipated demands of providing contactless and seamless experiences to customers as they traverse through their journey with a brand. Many of these journeys had to move from a physical to a digital experience, but what did we lose out on when this happened, and how are organizations coping with a lighter touch on the physical side?  How do we humanize our digital experiences, to ensure that we can still build loyalty, through moments of brilliance and ensure we succeed in a new digital ecosystem of capabilities.

Location Name
Union Square Ballroom
Full Address
Marriott San Francisco Union Square
480 Sutter Street
San Francisco, CA 94108
United States
Session Type
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Humanizing the Digital Experience in the Post-Pandemic World